Structural optimization techniques have the potential to become a powerful tool in the design of long-span bridges. The search for more efficient and reliable designs involves considering shape variations in the deck cross-section, which is one of the key features of the bridge. This affects the deck aerodynamics and its mechanical properties, and consequently the aeroelastic response of the bridge. A numerical approach pursuing the optimization of a long-span bridge needs to explore changes in the deck shape, including structural and aeroelastic responses as design constraints. Therefore, the aeroelastic responses of the bridge must be computed numerically for every candidate proposed by the optimization algorithm.
With this aim, I am formulating numerical design frameworks for the aero-structural shape optimization of long-span bridges combining surrogate models, CFD simulations, optimization algorithms, FEM analyses, and parallel computing in HPC clusters. In a preliminary stage, a methodology was developed to carry out the aero-structural optimization considering the critical flutter velocity as a design constraint, as shown in the figure below:
This design framework permitted the identification of the aero-structural optimum design of the cable-supporting system and the shape and size of the bridge deck for different minimum values of the flutter velocity design constraint.
The methodology has recently been advanced with the goal of considering all the structural and aeroelastic responses involved in the design of long-span bridges in order to achieve a comprehensive safe design. Recent contributions address the buffeting-resistant design problem.
Forthcoming studies will also deal with the aero-structural optimization of twin-box deck bridges.
by the optimization algorithm in the aero-structural optimization process. Cid Montoya et al. J Bridge Eng (ASCE), 26(6): 04021028, 2021
Future contributions will progressively address the most important issues of this challenging design problem.
Journal publications
Cid Montoya M (2023). Sequential aero-structural optimization method for efficient bridge design. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. In press.
DOI: 10.1111/mice.13005
Cid Montoya M, Bai H, Ye M (2023). Shaping bridge decks for VIV mitigation: A wind tunnel data-driven adaptive surrogate-based optimization method. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 242:105568.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jweia.2023.105568
Cid Montoya M, Hernández S, and Kareem A (2022). Aero-structural optimization-based tailoring of bridge deck geometry. Engineering Structures, 270:114067
DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2022.114067 [Open Access]
Cid Montoya M, Nieto F, Hernández S, Fontán A, Jurado JA and Kareem A (2021). Optimization of bridges with short gap streamlined twin-box decks considering structural, flutter and buffeting performance. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 208: 104316. DOI: j.jweia.2020.104316
Cid Montoya M, Nieto F, Hernández S, Fontán A, Jurado JA and Kareem A (2021). Aero-structural optimization of streamlined twin-box deck bridges with short gap considering flutter. Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), 26(6): 04021028.
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0001705
Cid Montoya M, Hernández S, Nieto F, and Kareem A (2020). Aero-structural design of bridges focusing on the buffeting response: Formulation, parametric studies and deck shape tailoring. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 204:104243.
DOI: j.jweia.2020.104243
Kusano I, Cid Montoya M, Baldomir A, Nieto F, Jurado J. A and Hernández S (2020). Reliability based design optimization for bridge girder shape and plate thickness of long-span suspension bridges considering aeroelastic constraint. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 202:104176.
DOI: j.jweia.2020.104176
Nieto F, Cid Montoya M, Hernández S, Kusano I, Casteleiro A, Álvarez AJ, Jurado JÁ (2020) Aerodynamic and aeroelastic responses of short-gap twin-box decks: box geometry and gap distance surrogate based design. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 201:104147.
DOI: j.jweia.2020.104147
Cid Montoya M, Hernández S. and Nieto F (2018) Shape optimization of streamlined decks of cable-stayed bridges considering aeroelastic and structural constraints. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 177:429-455.
DOI: j.jweia.2017.12.018
Cid Montoya M, Nieto F, Hernández S, Kusano I, Álvarez A J and Jurado J Á (2018) CFD-based aeroelastic characterization of streamlined bridge deck cross-sections subject to shape modifications using surrogate models. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 177:405-428.
DOI: j.jweia.2018.01.014
Conference presentations
Cid Montoya M, Nieto F, Hernández S, Fontán A, Kareem A, Jurado JA (2020) “Aero-structural optimization of a twin-box bridge: Balancing structural, flutter and buffeting design requirements.” ACEM20-AWAS20, 2020 Int. Conf. on Advances in Wind and Structures. Aug 27, Seoul, Korea. (Online presentation because of COVID).
Cid Montoya M, Nieto F, Hernández S, Fontán A, Kareem A, Jurado JA (2020) “Aero-structural optimization of a twin-box deck cable-stayed bridge considering structural and flutter performance” BBAA IX 9 th Int. Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications, U. of Birmingham, UK, July 20-23, 2020. (Accepted, conference canceled because of COVID)
Cid Montoya M, Nieto F, Hernández S, Fontán A, Kareem A, Jurado JA (2020) “Aero-structural optimization of a twin-box deck cable-stayed bridge considering flutter and buffeting performance” BBAA IX 9 th Int. Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications, U. of Birmingham, UK, July 20-23, 2020. (Accepted, conference canceled because of COVID)
Cid Montoya M, Ding F, Kareem A, Hernández S, Nieto F (2020) “A reliability-based design optimization of bridge deck shape for buffeting response” BBAA IX 9 th Int. Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications, University of Birmingham, UK, July 20-23, 2020. (Accepted, conference canceled because of COVID)
Cid Montoya M, Nieto F, Hernández S, Kareem A, Ding F (2020) “Computational techniques for novel design of long span bridges considering aeroelastic phenomena” ASCE Structures Congress 2020, session: Novel Building and Bridge Design with Structural Optimization, St. Louis, Missouri, April 5-8, 2020. (Published, conference canceled because of COVID)
DOI: 10.1061/9780784482896.070
Hernández S, Nieto F, Cid Montoya M, Jurado J A (2020) “Aerostructural optimization of bridge decks. Current advances and challenges” ASCE Structures Congress 2020, session: Novel Building and Bridge Design with Structural Optimization, St. Louis, Missouri, April 5-8, 2020. (Published, conference canceled because of COVID)
DOI: 10.1061/9780784482896.068
Cid Montoya M, Hernández S, Nieto F, Kareem A, Jurado J A (2019) “Aerostructural shape and size optimization of a long-span bridge considering service loads, static wind loads, torsional divergence, flutter and buffeting constraints” The 15 th International Conference on Wind Engineering 2019, September 1-6, Beijing, China. Selected for JWEIA SI.
Cid Montoya M, Ding F, Kareem A, Hernández S, Nieto F, Baldomir A (2019) “A reliability based tailoring of bridge deck shape for buffeting response” The 15 th Int. Conference on Wind Eng. 2019, Sep 1-6, Beijing, China.
Cid Montoya M, Nieto F, Hernández S, Jurado J A (2019) On the aerostructural design of long-span cable-stayed bridges: The contribution of parameter variations studies with focus on the deck design. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 27, Springer, Cham,
ISBN 978-3-030-12815-9
Nieto F, Casteleiro A, Cid Montoya M, Hernández S, Kusano I, Jurado JA, Fontán A, Alvarez JA, Rapela C (2019) “Surrogate-based characterization of the aerodynamic response of twin-box decks considering changes in the box geometry and gap distance” The 15 th Int. Conference on Wind Engineering 2019, September 1-6, Beijing, China.
Jurado JA, Quintela J, Cid Montoya M, Nieto F, Hernández S (2019) “Modifications on the flutter analysis software FLAS to consider variable aerodynamic in long span bridges” The 15 th Int Conf on Wind Eng 2019, Sep 1-6, China.
Cid Montoya M, Hernández S, Nieto F, Jurado J A. (2018) “Shape optimization of single box bridge decks considering gravitational loads and aeroelastic phenomena related to laminar and turbulent wind” The 7 th International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering 2018. June 18-22, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
Kusano I, Cid Montoya M, Baldomir A, Nieto F, Jurado J A, Hernández S (2018) “Reliability based design optimization for single box deck shape and plate thickness of suspension bridges under flutter constraint” The 7 th International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering 2018. June 18-22, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
Cid Montoya M, Nieto F and Hernández S (2018) “On the aerostructural design of long-span cable-stayed bridges: The contribution of parameter variation studies with focus on the deck design” IN-VENTO 2018: XV Conference of the Italian Association for Wind Engineering 9-12 September 2018, Napoli, Italy.
Nieto F, Cid Montoya M, Fontán A, Hernández S, Rapela C, Álvarez A, Jurado J, Casteleiro A, and Garcia V. (2018) “Wind tunnel study on the effect of the gap width in the aerodynamic and aeroelastic responses of twin-box decks” AFM2018: 12th Int Conference on Advances in Fluid Mechanics. 10 – 12 July, 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
DOI: 10.2495/AFM180071
Hernández S, Jurado J Á, Nieto F, Baldomir A, Cid M and Kusano I (2018) “A multidisciplinary approach to optimum design of long span cable supported bridges” HPSM/OPTI 2018. The 2018 Int Conference on High Performance and Optimum Design of Structures and Materials. 11-13 July, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Invited presentation.
Hernández S, Jurado J Á, Nieto F, Baldomir A, Kusano I and Cid Montoya M (2017) “The role of reliability analysis and optimization techniques in the aeroelastic design of long span bridges” Second International Bridges Congress – Chile 2017; Design, Construction and Maintenance. 18-20 October, Santiago, Chile.
Cid Montoya M, Nieto F, Kusano I, Álvarez, A. and Hernández S (2017) “Application of surrogate models in the characterization of the aerodynamic response of streamlined bridge decks” EACWE 2017. The 7th European-African Conference on Wind Engineering. 4-7 July, Liege, Belgium.
Cid Montoya M, Hernández S and Nieto F (2017) “Optimum design of cable stayed bridges with single box deck considering aeroelastic and structural constraints” EACWE 2017. The 7th European-African Conference on Wind Engineering. 4-7 July, Liege, Belgium. Selected for J Wind Eng Ind Aero special issue.
Nieto Mouronte F, Hernández Ibáñez S, Álvarez Naveira A J, Kusano I, Cid Montoya M and Jurado Albarracín-Martinón J Á (2017) “Application of CFD-based methods in the aerodynamic and aeroelastic assessment of long span bridge decks and rectangular cylinders” ACHE 2017. VII congreso de ACHE. June, A Coruña, Spain.
Hernández Ibáñez S, Baldomir García A, Jurado Albarracín J Á, Nieto Mouronte F, Kusano I and Cid Montoya M (2017) “Integration of advanced methodologies in aeroelastic design of long span bridges” ACHE 2017. VII congreso de ACHE. June, A Coruña, Spain.
Cid Montoya M, Hernández S, Kusano I, Nieto F and Jurado J Á (2016) “The role of surrogate models in combined aeroelastic and structural optimization of cable-stayed bridges with single box deck” HPSM/OPTI 2016. The 2016 Int. Conf. High Performance and Optimum Design of Struct. and Materials. 19-21 Sep, Siena, Italy. Invited presentation.
DOI: 10.2495/HPSM160011
Cid C, Baldomir A, Hernández S, and Cid Montoya M (2016) “Optimum number, position and size of stays in cable-stayed bridges” HPSM/OPTI 2016. The 2016 International Conference on High Performance and Optimum Design of Structures and Materials. 19-21 September, Siena, Italy. Invited presentation.
DOI: 10.2495/HPSM160031
Nieto F, Cid Montoya M, Álvarez A, Hernández S and Jurado J Á (2016) “Numerical simulations of the aerodynamic response of 2D circular segments by means of URANS” AFM2016: 11th International Conference on Advances in Fluid Mechanics. 5-7 September, Ancona, Italy. Invited presentation.
DOI: 10.2495/AFM160051
Hernández S, Cid M, Nieto F and Jurado J Á (2016) “Optimization of stays and deck shape in cable supported bridges including structural and aeroelastic constraints” BBAA VIII: 8th International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications. 7-11 June, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.